Sunday, 3 April 2011

Update on life in Class 8

I hope all the mums had a lovely Mother's Day. The children told me all about what they had planned for you and it sounds like you were all going to be spoilt!

Congratulations to Hallie and Ella who have been our last two Seren Yr Wythnos winners. Ardderchog!

We've had another busy couple of weeks in Dosbarth 8. Here are a few pictures to show you what we have been up to.

 We are continuing to learn different body shapes and ways of travelling in gymnastics. The children made up sequences using 'Happy Cat', 'Angry Cat', 'Frog', 'Fox' and 'Straight' shapes and movements.

 In class we have been learning about weighing using non - standard units such as beads and cubes. We then learnt how to weigh objects using gramme weights.


 We have been finding out about electricity. We took photos around the school of objects that use electricity. We then sorted them into ones that use mains electricity and ones that use battery electricity.

We've also been learning how to recognise and make whole, half and quarter turns to the left and to the right. Here we are on our number square playing a 'turning' game. Grace won this one!

I've been busy planting up containers in my garden this afternoon and it reminded me that Dosbarth 8 has two planters in the playground to fill. Does anybody have any spare bedding or vegetable plants that they do not need?  We have decided to link one of the planters to next term's minibeast topic, but we're open to suggestions for the other planter.

Finally, all our best wishes go to Kyle who is poorly at the moment. We really hope that you get better soon Kyle. We're all missing you and can't wait to see you back in school again.

See you all tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all the work put in before Mothers' Day. I can imagine the hours spent cutting out tissue paper and devising card designs. It's very much appreciated!
