Sunday, 14 October 2012

A quick update!

We have had a very busy few weeks in Class 9. All have settled well - both me and the children! I feel very lucky to have such a lovely class. Mrs Utting-Lawson sends her regards and hopes to see you all after Christmas.
Out topic of 'Ble wyt ti'n byw?" is going well. We have been for a walk around the locality looking at different types of houses. The children were keen to point out where they lived as we passed. We have been reading 'Winnie the Witch' books in literacy and have based many activities round this theme - including writing spells! A popular one was "how to make my sister/brother disappear!"
We will be starting our Big Write on Friday so please ask your children what we have been talking about in school and what we will be writing about on Friday. Remember the more you talk to them about the topic the easier it is for them to write about it.....keep talking!

Mrs Daniels and Mrs Edwards